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Advanced Concepts

Glossary Item Box


CLIP introduces several advanced concepts to optimize performance, improve re-use and perform less common but useful tasks efficiently:

Splitting Compound Collected Events

How to split an event after collecting it and why it is useful and efficient to do so.

Demultiplexing Compound Multiplexed Events

How to demultiplex an event after multiplexing it and why it is useful and efficient to do so.

Exclusion and Atomic Operations

How to use semaphores to implement exclusion.

Routing Events

Routing events using logical semaphores.

Reducing and Repeating Events

How to throw away events or duplicate events at a pre-determined rate.

Competing for a Distributed Event

How to enable two consumers to compete for the same event produced by a distributor.

Generating a Periodic Timer Event

How to produce an event periodically at a pre-determined rate.

Circuit Scope Locks

Implementing circuit scope exclusion using circuit locks.

Excluding Objects from an Event Tree

Using transparency to exclude objects from an event tree.